Product details

IPEVO V4K Ultra High Definition 8MP USB Document Camera — Mac OS, Windows, Chromebook Compatible for Live Demo, Web Conferencing, Distance Learning, Remote Teaching


₹ 17340

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Product description

V4K Ultra High Definition USB Document Camera is your premier presentation tool - its 8MP camera allows you to capture ultra high definition live images up to 3264 x 2448; its high frame rate at high resolution helps deliver stunning silky-smooth live streaming without latency; its fast focusing speed minimizes interruptions when you're showing and comparing different materials; its excellent noise reduction and color reproduction by Sony CMOS image sensor makes it perfect for capturing in dimly lit environments; its newly designed multi-jointed stand offers both versatility and a simple fix for tightening loose joints caused by heavy daily use. Last but not least, it is compatible with a variety of software and applications on Mac, PC and Chromebook as long as these software and applications recognize the video source coming from V4K, which is a standard UVC camera.

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Reviewed in India on 20 Mar 2023


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